Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for 2019 (Research Student)

The ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study in graduate courses at Japanese universities as research student under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program for 2019-2021.
Application form, and other required documentation
 Here follows the application form and other required documentation. Please, read carefully the Application Guidelines and prepare the documentation listed under item 9 "Application Procedure", which must be sent to the Embassy of Japan as explained below and please download from the link.
 The submitted documents will not be returned.
Application Form
Placement Preference From
Field of Study and Study Program
Recommendation Form
Certificate of Health
The applicants should be reached at the Embassy of Japan in Albania by June 22th 2018.
The documents should be submitted to the following address:
Embassy of Japan in Albania (Culture Section)
Kodi Postar 1016 Tirana,Albania
Or the application documents can be brought directly to the Embassy of Japan at
Rruga e Kavajes Nd50, H1,Tirana
Between 8:30-17:15 on weekdays. It should be clearly written on the envelope “ Attn: Culture Section”.
The Embassy will select preliminary candidates by means of a review of the submitted documents, thereafter, a written examination of Japanese and English Language and an interview will be held on Early July.
Past examinations for Applicants can be downloaded at the following link:
For information and application forms please contact the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Japan in Albania: kulturore@av.mofa.go.jp